Statement: Stabenow Farm Bill Framework Promising for Rural Family Landowners

WASHINGTON, D.C. (May 1, 2024) - Rita Hite, president & CEO of the American Forest Foundation, a conservation organization that empowers family forest owners to create meaningful conservation impact, released the following statement regarding the introduction of Senator Stabenow’s Farm Bill legislation package in the Senate:
“Rural family landowners are on the front lines protecting our forests and the clean air and water, climate mitigation, wildlife, and wood products that come from these lands that every American benefits from. As stewards of the largest portion of our country’s woodlands, these families need help to keep rural America, their families, and our forests thriving, especially in light of all the pressures they face. We applaud Senator Stabenow for her leadership and bipartisan approach to introducing the legislation in partnership with ranking member Senator Boozman.
Importantly, Stabenow's inclusion of the Rural Forest Markets Act (RFMA) in the Farm Bill’s framework is a huge win for rural family landowners. RFMA will unlock access to new revenue streams for rural landowners to ensure the long-term health and value of their forests are protected. We thank RFMA co-sponsors Senators Stabenow, Boozman, Casey and Braun for the inclusion of this critical priority in the framework for family forest owners.”
Learn more about the Rural Forest Markets Act and AFF’s full list of Farm Bill priorities.
CONTACT: Kristen Voorhees, Communications Director,
About The American Forest Foundation
The American Forest Foundation is a national conservation organization that empowers family forest owners to make meaningful conservation impact. The organization’s flagship program, the Family Forest Carbon Program, helps landowners implement forest management practices to protect the health of their woodlands and help the planet. To learn more about the American Forest Foundation and the Family Forest Carbon Program, visit
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