Tree Planting Initiative Brings Financial Opportunities to Georgia Landowners

Loblolly pine seedlings being planted
Field to Forest project opens enrollment for privately-owned lands across state
WASHINGTON, D.C. (April 17, 2024) - The American Forest Foundation (AFF), a conservation organization that empowers landowners to create meaningful conservation impact, announced that Field to Forest, a new afforestation project, is now open for enrollment across Georgia. Field to Forest pays landowners to plant and grow pine trees on their open fields. The project is now open to Georgia landowners with 40 acres or more of eligible land.
The majority of Georgia’s farms and pasturelands – an overwhelming 87% – is owned by families and individuals. Field to Forest unlocks access to the voluntary carbon market for these landowners, providing the financial and technical support needed to improve the health and value of their lands. The project provides family landowners a new revenue source and technical assistance to help sustainably manage their land for future generations.
“Rural landowners want to do what’s best for their lands, their families, and their communities,” said Rita Hite, president & CEO of the American Forest Foundation. “But without the right technical and financial support, they’re often locked out of accessing these opportunities. That’s why the launch of Field to Forest is so exciting; we’re offering landowners new diversified income opportunities and putting the power of conservation into the hands of rural America.”
The project enrolls privately owned land that has been unforested for the past 10 years or more. Field to Forest experts work with landowners to develop and implement a planting plan tailored to their property at no expense. After the initial planting, enrollees receive annual payments and a free forest management plan to guide them through management of their new trees.
“For landowners who are ready to retire or juggling many responsibilities, keeping up with land management can be a lot.” said Natalie Omundson, Director of Product Implementation at AFF. “Field to Forest offers them a low-maintenance way to earn income while keeping their land active and healthy.”
The project was first piloted in Georgia in 2023 and planted 300,000 trees across the state. With its official launch, Field to Forest aims to enroll 5,000 acres and plant more than 3 million trees across family-owned lands in Georgia.
Georgia landowners with 40 acres of privately owned “open land,” including pasture or cropland, are eligible to enroll in this project. To learn more about the Field to Forest, please visit
CONTACT: Kristen Voorhees, Communications Director,
About The American Forest Foundation
The American Forest Foundation is a national conservation organization that empowers family forest owners to make meaningful conservation impact. The organization’s flagship program, the Family Forest Carbon Program, helps landowners implement forest management practices to protect the health of their woodlands and help the planet. To learn more about the American Forest Foundation and the Family Forest Carbon Program, visit
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