Family Forest Blog

The Latest News on the Family Forest Carbon Program

Ian Forte, Senior Forestry Manager, Central Apps

May 28, 2024

Image of a forest in sunlight

The Family Forest Carbon Program is available in 15 states and is expanding into more states soon.

Available in More States Every Year

The Family Forest Carbon Program is continuously expanding, with landowners in more states and counties eligible every year. In 2022, the program was available for qualifying landowners in Maryland, Ohio, Pennsylvania, West Virginia, Vermont and western Massachusetts. In 2023, availability expanded in the Northeast to include most of New York, New Hampshire and Maine. It also expanded to the Midwest states of Michigan, Minnesota and Wisconsin. In early 2024, eligible regions expanded again to include Kentucky, Tennessee and northern Alabama. As of May 2024, the program is available in 15 states, with another expansion planned for the summer of 2024 that will include even more states in the southeastern U.S.

Landowners benefit from the Family Forest Carbon Program by receiving annual income and technical guidance from a professional forester to develop and implement a forest management plan customized for the landowner’s property and goals. Landowners with at least 30 acres of naturally recurring, hardwood forestland may be eligible if their forest is in a qualifying region. So as regional availability expands, the program’s results for landowners and the environment increase. The program has a 90% satisfaction rate with over 80,622 acres enrolled and over $19M in payments committed to enrolled landowners.

The New Family Forest Carbon Program Premium Option

Landowners who enroll in the Family Forest Carbon with the standard option receive $200-300 per acre over the 20-year contract period. The payment amount, which depends upon the landowner’s region and forest management practice, and the payment schedule are guaranteed, and they are included in the contract a landowner reviews before signing. The landowner can use these payments on anything they need including payment of property taxes.

To provide even more financial value to landowners, in 2024, the new Family Forest Carbon Program Premium Option was introduced, providing 20% more in payment value than the standard option. Landowners who have or are willing to get a Farm & Tract Number (FTN) from their Farm Service Agency office may qualify for the premium option and will also have access to a wide range of beneficial programs provided by the USDA. The Family Forest Carbon Program team provides guidance to interested landowners on how to obtain an FTN and enroll in FFCP with the premium option.

How Can I Learn More and Get Started?

The Family Forest Carbon Program provides an income stream, forestry guidance and land stewardship resources to landowners in more regions every year. For more information and to see if your forest is eligible, visit

To learn how to maximize your income from the Family Forest Carbon Program, read Get 20% More In Payments with the FFCP Premium Option

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